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Prioritizing Health & Well-Being

Timely support for marginalized and vulnerable clients.

We prioritize the health and well-being of every individual and family in our care. Our dedicated on-site medical services are designed to overcome barriers to healthcare access, ensuring equitable and timely support for marginalized and vulnerable clients. Here’s what our medical support includes:

  • Membership in Shelter Health Network: We are local Shelter Health Network members collaborating with General Practitioners to provide essential medical services to emergency shelter clients.
  • On-site General Practitioner: We have a General Practitioner available during specific times each week, offering services such as referrals, follow-up consultations, prescribing medications, and collaborating with a practical nurse for ongoing support.
  • Dedicated Medical Space: Welcome Centre Shelter boasts a dedicated medical space equipped to meet various health needs. This includes storage for client refrigerated medications, practical nurse support for information, limited first aid, and on-site over-the-counter medications in specific circumstances. We also provide on-site epi-pen emergency access for client needs.

Our medical services encompass a range of assessments and support, including general health assessments, mental health support, substance use support, wellness checks for babies, distribution of feminine hygiene products, STI and STD testing, wound care, and more. We are committed to ensuring that every individual receives the comprehensive medical care they require to lead healthy and fulfilling lives.

How We’ve Helped

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Client visits per month to our on-site medical room
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Percent of clients referred to other medical resources
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Percent of mental health care provided to clients that accessed on-site med room

Get Help Today

Call: (519) 971-7595